Raw data
"Daklha Gampo (Dwags lha sgam po) is a Kagyu monastery founded in 1121 CE by Je Gampopa (1079-1153), the disciple of the famous and much-loved bodhisattva, Jetsun Milarepa (c. 1052—c. 1135)[1] It is located in Gyatsa County in the old district of Dakpo in southern Tibet on land sanctified as a geomantic power-place ('head of the ogress') by the first Tibetan emperor, Songtsen Gampo (605 or 617? - 649), and made a repository of terma by Padmasambhava.[2] […]
The monastery is located on a ridge to the northeast of the eight-peaked Dalka Gampo mountain range (after which it was named), on the right bank of the Gyabpurong River just north of its junction with the Brahmaputra. […] Lat 29.133333 Long: 92.65"
"Daglha Gampo Gompa […] Kagyüpa monastery (chin.: Dala Gangbo), which was founded in 1121 by Gampopa (Nyame Dakpo Lhaje Sonam Rinchen, 1079-1153) a disciple of Milarepa. Some 60 monks lived here before the Cultural Revolution, now less. In the late 1980s it was rebuilt.
Coordinates: 29°7'24"N 92°48'30"E
Nearby cities: Bayi Zhen, Lhasa, Itanagar"
"Das Kloster Daglha Gampo (tib.: dwags lha sgam po) ist ein Kloster der Kagyü-Schultradition des tibetischen Buddhismus. Es liegt im Osten des Kreises Gyaca (Gyatsha) von Shannan (Lhoka) im Gebiet des Yarlung Zangbo-Tales auf einer Höhe von 4150 m. Das Kloster wurde im Jahr 1121 von Gampopa (dem „Arzt von Dhagpo“), einem Schüler Milarepas, gegründet und ist das Stammkloster des Dagpo-Kagyü-Zweiges[1] der Kagyü-Schultradition. Die Nachfolge ging nach Gampopas Tod an seinen Neffen Gompa Tshülthrim Nyingpo (sgom pa tshul khrims snying po) über. Lat: 29.123333°, Long 92.808889°"
"[…] The abbatal throne of Gampopa's own monastery of Daglha Gampo, passed to his own nephew Dagpo Gomtsul [= Gompa Tsultrim Nyingpo b.1116 - d.1169 , aka Gomtsul Tsultrim Nyingpo http://dev.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Gompa-Tsultrim-Nyingpo/3169. […]" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagyu
Input by: tmciolek, Dec 28, 2012
Dusum Khyenpa (1110–1193] “At thirty, [i.e. in 1140 - tmc] went to Daklha Gampo — Gampopa's monastery — to receive teachings from him. Although this was a historic meeting of two great Buddhist bodhisattvas emanating on Earth with a profound purpose, Gampopa nevertheless first made Dusum Khyenpa train formally in the foundation practices of the Kadampa tradition and, following that, in the general philosophy of the sutras.” - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Düsum_Khyenpa,_1st_Karmapa_Lama
“During one of the periods Dusum Khyenpa was staying at Daklha Gampo, Gampopa distributed cloth to his three close disciples from Kham— Seltong Shogom, Phagmodrupa and Dusum Khyenpa, known among Gampopa’s disciples as the Three Men from Kham. - http://www.karmapa900.org/karmapa_1st_bio.html
Input by: tmciolek, Feb 27, 2013
“Dakpo Duldzin b.1134 - d.1218 - Dakpo Duldzin was the fourth abbot of Daklha Gampo. He was a disciple of the monastery’s third abbot, Gomchung Sherab Jangchub, and was responsible for the construction of the main temple at the monastery, a building of forty columns.” - http://dev.treasuryoflives.org/tradition/Marpa-Kagyu
Input by: tmciolek, Mar 10, 2013
Final data (and their sources)
Last updated: 11 Mar 2013
Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 200 m from the point defined by the coordinates below.
General location of the Daklha Gampo monastery, CN.
Lat 29.12362 Long 92.80717
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (http://www.fallingrain.com), 2012.
Google Map link:
Final data - explanatory notes
1. Monastery's name
- Daklha Gampo monastery - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daklha_Gampo
- Daklha Gampo - Jampa MacKenzie (2004:113)
2. Monastery's modern country & province
- China:Xizang Zizhiqu
3. Monastery's alternative/historical names
- Daglha Gampo Gompa - http://wikimapia.org/12934785/Daglha-Gampo-Gompa
- Dala Gangbu si 达拉岗布寺 / 達拉崗布寺 - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Gangbu si 岗布寺 / 崗布寺 - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Dalagangbu Monastery - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Daklha Gampo Gonpa - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Daglha Gampo Gompa - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Daklha Gampo Monastery - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Daklha Gampo - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Dalagangbu-Kloster - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Gangbu-Kloster - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Dala Gangbo - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Tala Gangbo si 塔拉岗波寺 - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Gangbo si 岗波寺 - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Dala Gangbo si 达拉冈波寺 - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Kampo-Kloster - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Dhaklha Gampo - http://www.kagyuoffice.org/kagyulineage.html
- Gampo Monastery - http://www.himalayanart.org/image.cfm/418.html
4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates
- Lat 29.133333 Long: 92.65 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daklha_Gampo
- Lat 29.123333 Long 92.808889 - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daglha_Gampo
- Approx., Lat 29.12362 Long 92.80717 - based on visual identification of the site in satellite imagery (while guided by http://wikimapia.org/12934785/Daglha-Gampo-Gompa) in maps.google.com - tmciolek, 28 Dec 2012.
5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries
- [missing data]
6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village
- Gyaca - http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&cp=29.143056~92.591944
- Gyaca - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Chumba.html
7. The settlement's alternative/historical names
Chumba - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Chumba.html
Chia-ch'a - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Chumba.html
Chia-ch’a - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Chumba.html
Chung-pa - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Chumba.html
8. The settlement's coordinates
- Approx., Lat 29.143056 Long 92.591944 - http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&cp=29.143056~92.591944
- Approx. Lat 29.0833 Long 92.6000 - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Chumba.html
9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition
- Vajrayana - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagyu
10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition
11. Date-early
- Founded in 1121 CE - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daklha_Gampo
- MBM chrono-tag 1100-32c - tmciolek 28 Dec 2012
- 1100-32c 1133-66c 1167-99c 1200=> dated-el
12. Date-intermediate
- [missing data]
13. Date-late
- In use in 2000s - http://maps.google.com/maps?
- MBM chrono-tag 1200=> - tmciolek 28 Dec 2012
14. Details of contacts with other monasteries
- “Gompa Tsultrim Nyingpo b.1116 - d.1169 , aka Gomtsul Tsultrim Nyingpo [..the] abbot of Daklha Gampo, […] played an important historical role in his mediation of warring factions associated with different monastic lineages in the Lhasa area during the twelfth century. He was in charge of restoring the Jokang Temple, since it had suffered serious damage during the fighting. He founded a monastery named Tsur Lhalung in Tolung. The most renowned among his disciples was Zhang Yudrakpa.” http://dev.treasuryoflives.org/tradition/Marpa-Kagyu
15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery
- [missing data]
16. Additional notes
- Had 60 monks before the Cultural Revolution - http://wikimapia.org/12934785/Daglha-Gampo-Gompa
17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by
- [missing data]
18. Available Printed Literature
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 1]
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 2]
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 3]
end of page