Fogong monastery, (in) Yingxian, Shanxi, CN

Raw data

The timber construction of the pagoda of a small monastery in Yingxian 應縣/Shanxi called Fogong Monastery 佛宮寺 is the oldest pagoda that has the typical shape of Chinese pagodas like we know them. It has five stories and is shaped octogonally. The 67 m tall timber pagoda called "Shakya Timber Pagoda" (Shijia muta 釋迦木塔) was built in 1056 during the reign of the Khitan-Liao Dynasty 遼.

Input by: tmciolek, Dec 15, 2009

"Depuis plus de 900 ans, la Pagode de bois de Yinxian a passé avec brio plusieurs épreuves : les tremblements de terre. Selon les annales historiques, environ 300 ans après l'achèvement de la pagode, il y a eu un terrifiant séisme de magnitude 6,5 sur l'échelle de Richter à l'endroit où elle se dresse. Les répliques ont duré encore 7 jours après. Toutes les maisons et autres constructions qui se trouvaient autour ont été détruites, seule la pagode de bois restait intacte." -

Final data (and their sources)

Last updated: 01 May 2013

Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 200 m from the point defined by the coordinates below.

Location of Fogong monastery, CN.

General location of the Fogong monastery, CN.
Lat 39.565278 Long 113.181944
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (, 2009.

Google Map link:,%20CN)&ll=39.565278,113.181944&spn=05.0,05.0&t=k&hl=en

Final data - explanatory notes

1. Monastery's name

2. Monastery's modern country & province

  • China:Shanxi Sheng

3. Monastery's alternative/historical names

4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates

5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries

  • [missing data]

6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village

7. The settlement's alternative/historical names

8. The settlement's coordinates

9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition

  • Mahayana

10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition

  • [missing data]

11. Date-early

  • MBM chrono-tag 1000-32p 1033-66c - tmciolek 14 Feb 2013
  • 1000-32p 1033-66c 1067-99c 1100-32c 1133-66c 1167-99c 1200=> dated-ex

12. Date-intermediate

  • MBM chrono-tag 1200=> - tmciolek 14 Feb 2013

13. Date-late

  • MBM chrono-tag 1200=> - tmciolek 14 Feb 2013

14. Details of contacts with other monasteries

  • [missing data]

15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery

  • [missing data]

16. Additional notes

  • [missing data] (incl. details of the size of the monastic population)

17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by

  • [missing data]

end of page

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