Fonduquistan monastery, (near) Siah Gerd, Velayat-e Parvan, AF

Raw data

"Site bouddhique situé en Afghanistan, le monastère de Fondukistan, signalé dès 1836, a été fouillé en 1937 par Jean Carel, membre de la délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan (Mémoires D.A.F.A., t. VIII, 1959). À la lumière des découvertes faites à partir des années 1960, Fondukistan est devenu un site de référence : il illustre un style particulier qui semble exprimer une tendance esthétique générale aux VIIe et VIIIe siècles en Asie centrale (de l'actuel Afghanistan au Xinjiang). L'ordonnance du monastère est classique : une cour carrée délimitée par une enceinte à la face interne de laquelle étaient adossées douze chapelles, trois par côté ; au centre de la cour, un stūpa. Les peintures murales et les rondes-bosses en terre crue polychrome caractérisent ce style : silhouettes élancées au buste allongé qui dénotent un certain maniérisme."

"Fundukistan monastery in the Ghorband Valley, Afghanistan, around 600 CE"

"067. Fonduquistan
Variant name: Fondukistan
Parwan Province. On a hill in the Ghurband Valley five kilometers south of Siahgird.
Date: Turki Shahi/Hindu Shahi period, mid-late 7th century AD (numismatic, stylistic evidence)
A Buddhist monastery complex situated at the top of a steeply raked hill. The summit consists of a courtyard surrounded by niches decorated with elaborate painted clay sculptures and frescos. Of particular importance is Niche E, which contained large numbers of sculptures and a hoard of Arabo-Sassanian coins. Construction is of mud-brick and pakhsa."
Latitude […] 34.96667 Longitude […] 68.88333"
- DoDLRMP and CEMML (2010:#067 Fonduquistan)
Input by: tmciolek, Jul 7, 2010
Funduqistan (Parvan province)
By the mountain road from Bamiyan to Kabul (117 km north-west of Kabul and 120 km east of Bamiyan), near the village of Siyagird, some children accidentally discovered some fragments of mud-mouldings and brought them to the local authorities. fortunately, Joseph Hackin and Jean Carl of DAFA visited the site in 1936 and began excavation work. They discovered a charming small monastery. In the alcoves of its chapels were groups of previously unknown male and female figures executed in a vivid and realistic style. These sculptures date from the late seventh to the eighth century ad. They were moved to the Kabul Museum with great difficulty.
D. Barrett, 1957, OrA, III, 2.
J. Hackin, 1959, MDAFA, VIII, pp. 49–58. B. Rowland, Jr., 1953.
Src: Tissot (2006)
Input by: tmciolek, Aug 01, 2014

Final data (and their sources)

Last updated: 01 Aug 2014

Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 2 km from the point defined by the coordinates below.

Location of Fonduquistan monastery, AF.

General location of the Fonduquistan monastery, AF.
Lat 34.96667 Long 68.88333
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (, 2010.

Google Map link:,%20AF)&ll=34.96667,68.88333&spn=05.0,05.0&t=k&hl=en

Final data - explanatory notes

1. Monastery's name

  • Fonduquistan monastery - DoDLRMP and CEMML (2010:#067 Fonduquistan)

2. Monastery's modern country & province

  • Afghanistan:Velayat-e Parvan

3. Monastery's alternative/historical names

  • Fondukistan monastery - DoDLRMP and CEMML (2010:#067 Fonduquistan)

4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates

  • Approx., Lat 34.96667 Long 68.88333 - DoDLRMP and CEMML (2010:#067 Fonduquistan)

5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries

  • [missing data]

6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village

7. The settlement's alternative/historical names

8. The settlement's coordinates

9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition

  • Fondukistan "seemed to also follow Mahayana Buddhism, from the evidence of their paintings and sculptures." - Anonymous (1997).

10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition

  • [missing data]

11. Date-early

  • MBM chrono-tag 0600-32p 0633-66p 0667-99p 0700-32p - tmciolek 14 Feb 2013
  • MBM chrono-tag 0600-32p 0633-66p 0667-99p 0700-32p dated-e

12. Date-intermediate

  • [missing data]

13. Date-late

  • [missing data]

14. Details of contacts with other monasteries

  • [missing data]

15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery

  • archaeological

16. Additional notes

  • [missing data] (incl. details of the size of the monastic population)

17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by

  • [missing data]

end of page

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