Raw data
“Tsangpa Gyare's [b.1161 - d.1211] […in] about the middle of the decade of the 1190's […] founded Longdol (klong rdol) Monastery, said to have been located not far from Lhasa, but further south along the banks of the Kyichu (skyid chu) River. After a few years the community had increased to about five hundred. A sign of his increasing public stature, he was asked to mediate between warring parties at Nyetang (snye thang) Monastery [i.e. at Drolma - tmciolek].”- http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsangpa-Gyarepa-Yeshe-Dorje/11865
"Longdol Lama [Ngagwang Lobzang] (klong rdol, ngag dbang blo bzang 1719-1794) [TBRC P22]. Longdol Lama was an important Gelug teacher of the 18th century. […] He was known as Longdol Lama (klong rdol bla ma) because of his long meditations at Nyetang Longdol Drubpug (snye thang klong rdol sgrub phug), a [meditation cave, Drub Pug, sgrub phug - tmciolek] cave connected with Tsangpa Gyare (gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rje)." - http://www.himalayanart.org/search/set.cfm?setID=698
Input by: tmciolek, 18 Jan 2013
Final data (and their sources)
Last updated: 18 Jan 2013
Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 2km from the point defined by the coordinates below.
General location of the Longdol monastery, CN.
Lat 29.54828 Long 90.95602
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (http://www.fallingrain.com), 2012.
Google Map link:
Final data - explanatory notes
1. Monastery's name
- Longdol monastery - http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsangpa-Gyarepa-Yeshe-Dorje/11865
2. Monastery's modern country & province
- China:Xizang Zizhiqu
3. Monastery's alternative/historical names
- Nyetang Longdol Drubpug - http://www.himalayanart.org/search/set.cfm?setID=698
- Longbol - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagyu
4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates
- Approx., Lat 29.54828 Long 90.95602 - based on visual identification of a spot close to the slopes of a mountain (a good site for meditation cave!) situated in the middle of area covered with monastery/monasteries-like ruins. Using satellite imagery, maps.google.com. Naturally, this identification of the possible Longdol site still remains tentative - tmciolek, 18 Jan 2013.
5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries
6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village
7. The settlement's alternative/historical names
- [missing data]
8. The settlement's coordinates
- Approx., Lat 29.554019 Long 90.965475 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyêtang
- Approx., Lat 29.5000 Long 90.9000 - http://www.fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Nyetang.html
9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition
- Vajrayana
10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition
- Drukpa Kagyu - http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsangpa-Gyarepa-Yeshe-Dorje/11865
- Drukpa Kagyu - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kagyu
11. Date-early
- Founded circa 1195 - http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsangpa-Gyarepa-Yeshe-Dorje/11865
- MBM chrono-tag 1167-99c - tmciolek 18 Jan 2013
- 1167-99c 1200=> dated-el
12. Date-intermediate
- [missing data]
13. Date-late
- The monastery was active in the second half of the 18th century - http://www.himalayanart.org/search/set.cfm?setID=698
- MBM chrono-tag 1200=> - tmciolek 18 Jan 2013
14. Details of contacts with other monasteries
- The monastery's abbot, Tsangpa Gyare's [b.1161 - d.1211], was asked to mediate between warring parties at Nyetang (snye thang) Monastery [i.e. at the nearby Drolma monastery].- http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsangpa-Gyarepa-Yeshe-Dorje/11865
15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery
- [missing data]
16. Additional notes
- Approx. 500 monks in - http://www.treasuryoflives.org/biographies/view/Tsangpa-Gyarepa-Yeshe-Dorje/11865
17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by
- [missing data]
18. Available Printed Literature
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 1]
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 2]
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 3]
end of page