Raw data
Migaramatupasada - The name given to the monastery erected by Visakha Migaramata in the Pubbarama [park - tmciolek], to the east of Savatthi."
"Pubbarama, India - A park outside the eastern gate of Savatthi [= present-day Saheth-Maheth, "lat: 27.5166667, long: 82.05" - tmc]. It was the custom of the Buddha to spend his siesta there after eating at the house of Anathapindika (DhA.i.413; see also MA.i.369).]
The Pubbarama [park] in Savatthi, India corresponded to the Uttammevi vihara in Anuradhapura (UdA.158; MA.i.471)."
"(Sanskrit; Pali, Sāvatthi). The capital of the ancient Indian state of Kosala, which was located at present-day Saheth-Maheth by the river Rapti in Uttar Pradesh. Its location on important trade routes ensured its prosperity and political importance. The Buddha spent much of his later life in this city at the Jetavana park donated by the rich merchant Anathapindika, and the Purvarama which was constructed by the patroness Visakha. By the 7th century, when it was visited by Chinese pilgrims such as Hsüan-tsang [Xuanzang], it was largely in ruins and its many viharas deserted, although a small Buddhist presence seems to have been maintained there until the 12th century. The site was discovered and excavated in 1908." [the reference to the entire text has been lost. However, large chunks of the material are republished verbatim (alas, with no reference to the original source either) by Damian Keown in Keown (2003:277) - tmciolek, 16 Sep 2012.]
Sravasti - Ancient site
Lat: 27.5166667 Long: 82.05
Other names: Mahet, Saheth-Maheth, Sahetha-Mahetha, Set Mahet, Seth Mahet, Srabasti, Sravasti,
Input by: tmciolek, 24 Feb 2009
"Sāvatthi - The capital town of Kosala in India and one of the six great Indian cities during the lifetime of the Buddha (D.ii.147).
It was six leagues from Saketa (Vin.i.253; seven according to others, DhA.i.387), forty five leagues north west of Rajagaha (SA.i.243), thirty leagues from Sankassa (J.iv.265
The Buddha passed the greater part of his monastic life in Savatthi. His first visit there was at the invitation of Anathapindika. It is said (DhA.i.4) that he spent twenty five rainy seasons in the city - nineteen of them in Jetavana and six in the Pubbarama [park - tmc]. Savatthi also contained the monastery of Rajakarama, built by Pasenadi, opposite Jetavana. Outside the city gate of Savatthi was a fisherman's village of five hundred families (DhA.iv.40)."
Input by: tmciolek, 24 Feb 2009
Final data (and their sources)
Last updated: 03 Oct 2013
Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 2 km from the point defined by the coordinates below.
General location of the Migaramatupasada monastery, India.
lat=27.5166667 long=82.05
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (http://maps.fallingrain.com), 2009.
Google Map link:
Final data - explanatory notes
1. Monastery's name
- Migāramātupāsāda monastery - http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/me_mu/migaramatupasada.htm
2. Monastery's modern country & province
- India:State of Uttar Pradesh
3. Monastery's alternative/historical names
- Migara's Mother's Palace - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visakha
4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates
- Approx., Lat 27.5166667 Long 82.05 http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries
- Jetavana monastery
- Rājakārāma nunnery
- Sravasti monastery
6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village
- Saheth-Maheth http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
7. The settlement's alternative/historical names
- Mahet - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
- Sahetha-Mahetha - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
- Set Mahet - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
- Seth Mahet - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
- Srabasti - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
- Sravasti - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
8. The settlement's coordinates
- Approx., Lat 27.5166667 Long 82.05 - http://www.satelliteviews.net/cgi-bin/w.cgi?c=in&DG=ANS
9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition
- [missing data]
10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition
- [missing data]
11. Date-early
- 500 BCE - Keown (2003:277)
MBM chrono-tag <=0200 - tmciolek 03 Oct 2013
<=0200 0200-32c 0233-66c 0267-99c 0300-32c 0333-66c 0367-99c 0400-32c 0433-66c 0467-99c 0500-32c 0533-66c 0567-99c 0600-32c 0633-66c 0667-99p dated-ex
12. Date-intermediate
- Largely in ruins in the 630's CE when it was visited by Xuanzang - Keown (2003:277)
MBM chrono-tag 0633-66c 0667-99p - tmciolek 03 Oct 2013
13. Date-late
- Small scale, lingering Buddhist presence in the 12th c. - Keown (2003:277)
14. Details of contacts with other monasteries
- The Pubbarama [park] in Savatthi [= Migaramatupasada monastery], India corresponded to the Uttammevi vihara in Anuradhapura [in Sri Lanka] (UdA.158; MA.i.471). - http://www.palikanon.com/english/pali_names/pu/pubbarama.htm
15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery
- textual, pilgrim account
16. Additional notes
- [missing data] (incl. details of the size of the monastic population)
17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by
- [missing data]
end of page