Murtuq monastery, (near) Singim, Xinjiang, CN

Raw data

"Turfan/Gaochang: Turfan is an oasis city surrounded by mountains. It flourished as a center of Buddhism in East Turkistan until the fourteenth century. […] In the outskirts of the city, in Bezeklik, Toyoq, and Murtuq, many cave temples with wall paintings were constructed." (Kudara 2002a:100)

"The Buddhist heritage of Uyghur culture in the Qizil, Qumtura, Bezeklik, Siggim, Murtuq, and other Buddhist monasteries of Uyghur-Land is a very important component of Uyghur civilization." Kamberi (2005:20)

"Stein’s third expedition continued for a very long time (1913-16). He again visited many of the previously investigated sites, Miran, Lou-lan, etc. This time Stein spent more time working in the northern oases. His excavations in Ïdïqut Sahri, Toyuq, and Murtuq (Sengim) were successful." (Litvinskii n.d.)

Murtuq - is situated v. close to the Bezeklik Caves - "Map of the Silk Road in the ninth-tenth century" (Russell-Smith 2005: xxvii)

Input by: tmciolek, Dec 15, 2010

Final data (and their sources)

Last updated: 27 Jan 2014

Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 2km from the point defined by the coordinates below.

Location of Murtuq monastery, CN.

General location of the Murtuq monastery, CN.
Lat 42.9918 Long 89.5489
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (, 2010.

Google Map link:,%20CN)&ll=42.9918,89.5489&spn=05.0,05.0&t=k&hl=en

Final data - explanatory notes

1. Monastery's name

  • Murtuq monastery - Kamberi (2005:20)

2. Monastery's modern country & province

  • China:Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu

3. Monastery's alternative/historical names

  • [missing data]

4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates


5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries

  • [missing data]

6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village

7. The settlement's alternative/historical names

8. The settlement's coordinates

9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition

  • [missing data]

10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition

  • [missing data]

11. Date-early

  • [missing data]

12. Date-intermediate

  • [missing data]

13. Date-late

  • Active till the fourteenth century - Kudara (2002a:100)

MBM chrono-tag 1200=> - tmciolek 27 Jan 2014
1167-99p 1200=> dated-l

14. Details of contacts with other monasteries

  • [missing data]

15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery

  • archaeological

16. Additional notes

  • [missing data] (incl. details of the size of the monastic population)

17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by

  • [missing data]

end of page

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