Last updated: 31 Oct 2012
All readers of this wiki are warmly invited to suggest corrections, additional sources, addenda, critique, alternative interpretations and/or other improvements to any portion of data presented on the MBM pages. All input and/or suggestions will be fully acknowledged at the relevant sections of the Project.
Please send an email to one of the Editors or Research Fellows of the Mapping Buddhist Monasteries Project (MBM) at the email address(es) below:
- Dr Stewart GORDON (moc.liamg|utsnodrog#moc.liamg|utsnodrog), Center for South Asian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
- Dr T. Matthew CIOLEK (moc.keloic|keloicmt#moc.keloic|keloicmt), - Asia Pacific Research Online & School of Culture, History and Language/Research School of Asia and the Pacific, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
- Dr Lizabeth Halliday PIEL (ude.llesal|leipl#ude.llesal|leipl), Lasell College, Newton, MA, USA.
- Ms Gita GUNATILLEKE (moc.liamg|7bidneres#moc.liamg|7bidneres), Librarianship and Technology Reviews, Wellington, New Zealand / Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Central Asia - Ms Bindu URUGODAWATTE (moc.oohay|gniludnib#moc.oohay|gniludnib), Freelance Consultant/Independent Researcher, Nugegoda, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Dr Neekee Chaturvedi, Government P.G. College, Dausa, Rajasthan, India.
- Dr Susan Whitfield, International Dunhuang Project (IDP), The British Library, London, UK.
Biographical Details (in order of accession to the Project)
Dr. Stewart Gordon - Co-founder (with T.M. Ciolek) of the Mapping Buddhist Monasteries Project. Author & editor since 13 Jan 2009.
- University of Michigan BA, MA, PhD, 1972, History (South Asia specialty), Sociology
Fellowships and Awards
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (1967)
- Fulbright Hayes Language Fellowship (1968-1969)
- Fulbright Fellowship-HEW (1969-1970) (India)
- American Institute of Indian Studies, Senior Fellowship (1975-1976) (India)
- Social Science Research Council, Research Grant (1977) (England)
- Social Science Research Council, Research Grant (1980) (England)
- American Institute of Indian Studies, Senior Fellowship (1990) (India)
Current Position
- Senior Research Scholar, Center for South Asian Studies, University of Michigan.
- The Marathas: 1600-1818, volume II-4 of the New Cambridge History of India (Cambridge, 1993). Paperback reprint, 2001.
- Marathas, Marauders, and State-Formation in Eighteenth Century India (Oxford, 1994). Paperback reprint, 1997.
- Robes and Honor: The Medieval World of Investiture (Palgrave Press, 2001). This volume explores the trans-cultural, trans-religious use of luxury robes as a means of building loyalty in many Asian medieval kingdoms.
- Robes of Honour: Khil’at in Pre-Colonial and Colonial India (Oxford University Press, 2002). Specific case studies of the use of robing and its ambiguities in the Indian setting. The volume also includes a long theoretical chapter on robing both inside and at the margins of the medieval Islamic world.
- When Asia Was the World (Cambridge: Da Capo Press, January, 2008) Uses networks across Asia and travel accounts to examine the period 500-1500 AD. The book is in wide use in teaching Asian and World history and is contracted for translation into Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Arabic and several South Asian languages.
- Routes (University of California Press, forthcoming 2011). This volume examines twelve of the great trade routes of human history, linking them by common themes – intellectual and religious transfer, government taxation and control, piracy and risk assessment, shared systems of rights and expectations
Dr. T. Matthew Ciolek - Co-founder (with S. Gordon) of the Mapping Buddhist Monasteries Project. Author & editor since since 13 Jan 2009.
- University of Warsaw MA (Anthropology) 1970, University of Warsaw MA (Archaeology) 1970, The Australian National University PhD (Anthropology) 1978, Canberra College of Advanced Education GradDip (Computing Studies) 1984.
Fellowships and Awards
- Nuffield Foundation Travelling Fellowship, Oxford University, UK (1978)
- Visiting Fellowship, Dept. of Sociology, The Australian National University, Australia (1980)
- Visiting Fellowship, Centre de Calcul, Université de Perpignan, France (1992)
- Visiting Fellowship, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, University of California at Berkeley, USA (2000)
Current Position
- Visiting Fellow, School of Culture, History and Languages (The CHL, formerly known as the RSPAS), The Australian National University, Canberra.
Publications & Research Papers [a selection]
- 1999 - present. Georeferenced historical transport/travel/communication routes and nodes - Old World. OWTRAD Dromographic Digital Data Archives (ODDDA): Old World Trade Routes (OWTRAD) Project. Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online. [].
- 1999-present. OWTRAD Notation System: a method for standardising and computerising geographical and logistical data about long-distance transportation/communication routes. Old World Trade Routes (OWTRAD) Project. Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online. Version 5.4 (Oct 2006). [].
- 1999-present. Old World Trade Routes (OWTRAD) Project. Canberra: - Asia Pacific Research Online. [].
- 2000. Internet, Buddhist and Christian. pp. 650-655, In: William M. Johnston (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Monasticism, 2 Volume Set, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. [].
- 2004. Online Religion. In: Hossein Bidgoli (Ed.), 2004, The Internet Encyclopedia, 3 Volume Set, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Vol. 2, pp. 798-811.
- 2006. Trade Routes. In: Robertson, Roland and Jan Aart Scholte (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Globalization. 4 Volume Set. New York: Routlege. ISBN: 0415973147.
- 2010. The Electronic Anthropologist: on sources of information, strategies, techniques and timing of online research. in: Malewska-Szalygin, Anna and Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz. (Eds.). Antropolog wobec wspolczesnosci : tom w darze Profesor Annie Zadrozynskiej [Anthropologist in the face of contemporaneity : a volume offered to Professor Anna Zadrozynska]. Warszawa: DiG, Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej UW. [].
- 2012. Ciolek, T. Matthew and Stewart Gordon. 2012. Mapping the Contours of a Buddhist World: An Online Database of Georeferenced Buddhist Monasteries, 200 -1200 CE. []
Dr. Lizbeth Halliday Piel - Author & editor of the Mapping Buddhist Monasteries Project since 27 Aug 2009.
- Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science MS (Library Science) 1996; University of Massachusetts at Amherst MA (Japanese Literature) 2002; University of Hawaii at Manoa PhD (History – Japan specialty) 2007
Fellowships and Awards
- U.S. Department of Education: Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship (2002–2003; 2003–2004); UH Manoa Center for Japanese Studies Graduate Fellowship (2004–2005); UH Manoa History Department: Daniel Kwok Award (2007); Tasuku Harada Graduate Fellowship (2005–2006); Idus Newby Fund Award (2005)
Current Position
- Assistant Professor of History, Department of Humanities, Lasell College
Librarianship Experience
- Polaroid Archives (1990–4), Harvard University Littauer Library (1994–6), Pasona Corporation (1996), Economist Intelligence Unit (1996–8), Publishers Communication Group (1999), University of Massachusetts WEB DuBois Library (2000–1)
Conference Papers (on Japanese literature)
- New England Association for Asian Studies (2000, 2008); Harvard Graduate Student Conference for Japanese Studies (2001); International Conference of Asia Scholars, Berlin (2001); Annual Graduate Student Conference of the School of Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Studies (2005); World History Association (2009).
Ms. Gita Gunatilleke - Author & editor of the Mapping Buddhist Monasteries Project since 27 Aug 2012.
- Associate of the Library Association (UK) 1975; University of Peradeniya, SL, BA 1981; Monash University, Australia, Graduate School of Librarianship 1987; Bandaranailke Centre for International Affairs, SL, Diploma in International Affairs 1993; Massey University, NZ, Diploma in Business Studies with an endorsement in University Administration 1998.
Current Position
- Freelance Librarian and Researcher
Librarianship Experience
- British Council Library, Colombo, Sri Lanka 1968-1984
- Nunawading Public Library, Victoria, Australia 1984-1988
- Victoria University of Wellington Library, New Zealand, 1988-2000
- Te Aka Matua Te Papa Library, Wellington, New Zealand, 2003-2004
- Archives New Zealand Library, Wellington, New Zealand, 2004-2005
- Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Library, Wellington, New Zeland, 2005-2008
Publications and Conference Presentations
- Reviews in 'The Charleston Advisor: Critical Reviews of Web Products for Information Professionals' 2006-to present []
- 17th Annual Charleston Conference, South Carolina, USA, November 1997: Presentation on the selection of material - a partnership between academics and librarians at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Ms. Bindu Urugodawatte - Research Fellow (Central Asia) of the Mapping Buddhist Monasteries Project since 22 Sep 2012.
- [details to be supplied]
Fellowships and Awards
- [details to be supplied]
Current Position
- [details to be supplied]