Raw data
"[Atisha and his closest disciple, Dromton Gyalwai Jungne ('brom ston rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas) …] arrived in Tsang in 1046, and Samye in 1047. […] In addition to Samye, he visited […] Tangpoche (thang po che), founded by Khuton Tsondru Yungdrung (khu ston brtson 'grus g.yung drung), the disciple of the Eastern Vinaya monk Lume (klus mes). [the monastery, in fact, was established in 1017 by Drumer Tshülthrim Chungne, a disciple of Lume Tshülthrim Sherab - tmciolek]
"Das Kloster Thangpoche (tib. ཐང་པོ་ཆེ; Wylie thang po che[1]) oder Solnak Thangpoche[2] war früher ein Kloster der Kadam-Schule, der ersten Sarma-Tradition des tibetischen Buddhismus. Es wurde im Jahr 1017 von Drumer Tshülthrim Chungne[3], einem Schüler von Lume Tshülthrim Sherab[4], gegründet. Es liegt im Kreis Qonggyai (Chongyye) des Regierungsbezirks Shannan (Lhokha) im Süden des Autonomen Gebiets Tibet in der Volksrepublik China. Lume starb auf dem Weg zu diesem Kloster. Später wurde es ein Kloster der Gelugpa."
"Location Description: Solnak Thanpöché is located in Ü, southwest of Lhasa near the Yarlung Valley. Solnak Thanpöché is east of the valley not far from Bairo Puk in Chongye County. Date Founded: 1017 Founder: Drumer […]
The eleventh century was a time of rapid monastery building for the Kadampa sect. It’s estimated that by the middle of the century, 3-4 dozen monasteries has been built, without a break in stride. Like most of the great Kadampa monasteries founded in 11th century Tibet, Solnak Thanpöché was established in the Eastern Vinaya lineage.
Solnak Thanpöché was established in the Yarlung Valley of Ü in 1017 by Drumer and his cohort. Drumer was a disciple of Lumé who is considered to be the greatest representative of the hierarchical Eastern Vinaya tradition. Lumé died on his way to Solnak Thanpöché. He and Drumer were both interred in the Great Stupa at Solnak Thanpöché. In Chapter 2 of the Blue Annals, it is reported that “some eight monks belonging to the school of the kalyana Grumer and others, after requesting Lumé in person, built Solnak Thanpöché (Sol nap Than po che),” {R 75} and it’s later noted that Solnak Thanpöché became known for its philosophical (rather than tantric) teachings.
Solnak Thanpöché shares the reputation of a great early scholastic center in Tibetan Buddhism with other Kadampa monasteries, including Nyétang [i.e. Drolma monastery in Nyetang] and Sangpu Néütok.
Solnak Thanpöché has several illustrious visitors. Atiśa resided at Solnak Thanpöché for one month during his Tibetan travels. Atiśa [Atisha] was invited to the monastery by the Kadampa spiritual giant Tsondru Yungdrung (1011-75). Also Chapter 15 of the Blue Annals notes that the Buddhist chronology was established by Sakya Pandita while he was staying at Solnak Thanpöché in 1207.
Solnak Thanpöché was absorbed into the Gelukpa sect after Tsongkapa’s visit in the 14th century and is still an active Gelukpa community."
Input by: tmciolek, Dec 14, 2012
Tangboqie Monastery, located in Tangbuqi Township, Qonggyai
Tangbuqi Village, A division of rural area of XarsU Township
Administrative Division Code : 542225201203; Post Code : 856000; Pinyin: Tangbuqi Cun;
Input by: tmciolek, Dec 15, 2012
Final data (and their sources)
Last updated: 29 Jan 2013
Lat/Long coordinates' accuracy:
The monastery in question is assumed to be situated actually no farther than 200 m from the point defined by the coordinates below.
General location of the Tangpoche monastery, CN.
Lat 29.11809 Long 91.72105
Mapping & images: Falling Rain Genomics (http://www.fallingrain.com), 2012.
Google Map link:
Final data - explanatory notes
1. Monastery's name
- Thangpoche monastery
2. Monastery's modern country & province
- China:Xizang Zizhiqu
3. Monastery's alternative/historical names
- Tangboqie si - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangpoche-Kloster
- Thangpoche-Kloster - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangpoche-Kloster
- Solnak Thanpöché - http://www.thlib.org/?wiki=/access/wiki/site/679c2e7e-ca49-462b-0038-a5e0534b709f/solnak%20thanpöché.html
- Tangboche - http://www.tibettour.com/tibet-attraction/tangboche-monastery.html
- Suona Tangboche - http://www.tibettour.com/tibet-attraction/tangboche-monastery.html
4. Monastery's lat/long coordinates
- Approx., Lat 29.11809 Long 91.72105 - based on visual identification of the site in maps/satellite imagery, maps.google.com - tmciolek, 15 Dec 2012.
5. Other known nearby Buddhist monasteries
- [missing data]
6. Modern name of the known nearest city, town, or village
- Tang Buqicun - http://maps.google.com/
7. The settlement's alternative/historical names
- [missing data]
8. The settlement's coordinates
- Approx., Lat 29.1186 Long 91.7195 - http://maps.google.com/ (coord taken from the the satellite map)
9. Monastery's major Buddhist tradition
- Vajrayana
10. Monastery's Buddhist sub-tradition
- Kadam - http://www.thlib.org/?wiki=/access/wiki/site/679c2e7e-ca49-462b-0038-a5e0534b709f/solnak%20thanpöché.html
- Eastern Vinaya - http://www.thlib.org/?wiki=/access/wiki/site/679c2e7e-ca49-462b-0038-a5e0534b709f/solnak%20thanpöché.html
11. Date-early
- 1017 AD - Thangpoche was established in the Yarlung Valley of Ü in 1017 by Drumer [Drumer Tshülthrim Chungne] - http://www.thlib.org/?wiki=/access/wiki/site/679c2e7e-ca49-462b-0038-a5e0534b709f/solnak%20thanpöché.html
- MBM chrono-tag 1000-32c - tmciolek 26 Oct 2012
- 1000-32c 1033-66c 1067-99c 1100-32c 1133-66c 1167-99c 1200=> dated-el
12. Date-intermediate
- [missing data]
13. Date-late
- absorbed into the Gelukpa in the 14th century - http://www.thlib.org/?wiki=/access/wiki/site/679c2e7e-ca49-462b-0038-a5e0534b709f/solnak%20thanpöché.html
- "The Ganzhuer Living Buddha – Luosang Tuwangdundan (the founder of Baowu Monastery in Qiongjie County) repaired the Tangboche Monastery in 1916” - http://www.tibettour.com/tibet-attraction/tangboche-monastery.html
- MBM chrono-tag 1200=> - tmciolek 15 Dec 2012
14. Details of contacts with other monasteries
- "Atiśa resided at Solnak Thanpöché for one month during his Tibetan travels. Atiśa was invited to the monastery by the Kadampa spiritual giant Tsondru Yungdrung (1011-75)." - http://www.thlib.org/?wiki=/access/wiki/site/679c2e7e-ca49-462b-0038-a5e0534b709f/solnak%20thanpöché.html
15. Type of evidence regarding the monastery
- [missing data]
16. Additional notes
- [missing data] (incl. details of the size of the monastic population)
17. Corrections & addenda to this page were kindly provided by
- [missing data]
18. Available Printed Literature
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 1]
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 2]
- [bibliographical details of the Book/Article 3]
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